Upcoming sailing activities
These activities are available to current registered members of the Scout Association.
Our regular Sailing program runs from our boatshed at Meadowbank in Terms 1 and 4 to take advantage of the warmer months and the extra daylight hours.
Regular sailing activities may run through April/May if the weather is favourable.
Sirius Cup Regatta - 21st March 2025:
Sirius Cup is on again from 21st to 23rd March. We will again be competing in the Sailing, Rowing ans Canoeing events over the weekend.
Sailing an Opti sail boat - 2 Nov 2024
Regular water activities at the boatshed will resume in Term 1 2025.
SAILING - THIS SATURDAY 15th February 2025. YES
As most of the schools will have resumed for 2025, sailing will be back in full swing on Saturday afternoons during Term 1 from 8th February.
Weekly Sailing for Scouts and older is normally held each Saturday from 1pm to 4pm at 150 Bowden St, Meadowbank, adjacent to the Meadowbank Ferry Wharf.
Please click here, use the QR Code below or send an email to if you are interested in attending this Saturday's sailing session. This will enable us to ensure that we have sufficient instructors available.
Please complete an E1 for Term 1 (see below) and bring it with you to your first session for the term.
What to wear and bring
Scouts need to wear a wide-brimmed hat with chin strap, and are required to wear closed in shoes that can get wet (eg: water shoes) and clothes that you don't mind getting wet. Bring sunscreen, a water bottle, change of clothes and towel.
Crocs, thongs, etc are not permitted. Baseball caps do not provide adequate sun protection and Scout uniform is not required.
Term 1, 2025
We intend running weekly sailing from the Meadowbank Boat Shed each Saturday afternoon from 1pm to 4:30pm from Saturday 8th February. This is open to registered Scout members aged from about 10 upwards. This is an opportunity to learn to sail from experienced and accredited instructors.
Start your sailing experience in the larger boat then progress to the smaller, faster boats once you have gained sufficient experience and confidence. Part of the fun and skill of sailing is understanding how to rig and look after the boats. We have a range of sailing boats. Each type is different. They handle differently, some go faster than others, some even capsize more easily. At the start and end of the sessions, don't just sit around the boat shed chatting. Help out, ask questions, demonstrate to the instructors that you are interested in learning. Also at the end of the session, you don't just get out of the boat and go home. The salt water is very corrosive and can easily cause permanent damage to the equipment if it is not washed off promptly. The equipment needs to be checked for damage before being put away. If you find something is broken, tell one of the instructors or leaders so that it can be fixed. Make the next session safer and more enjoyable, knowing that the equipment is in good condition.
Bring a rain/spray jacket, water bottle, water shoes, a wide brimmed hat with a chin strap and sun screen. A change of clothes and a towel will keep the parents happy instead of making the car seats wet for the trip home. Complete and bring along an E1 Permission Note for each participant, see below for download. Only one form is required per term but if your contact details or anything else changes we would require an updated form. We hope to have enough youth members to be able to take out different boats each week. Please contact Peter Buckley on 0404 136 350 if you are interested finding out more about this.
66th Port Neptune Regatta - 17th Sep, 2017
The skill of our crew, Leo, Chelsea and Tim, sailing in Pyromania, one of our Tasars, enabled us to be awarded first place, both Line Honours and on Handicap, for the Port Neptune Shield. We last won this 15 years ago. Well done to everyone.